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Tree traversal, LINQ style

When dealing with tree structures, it’s helpful to be able to visit all nodes. Here’s an extension method that makes traversing tree structures easier (in this case, in preorder, depth-first).

internal static class TreeTraverse
    public static IEnumerable<T> PreorderTraverse<T>(this T node, Func<T, IEnumerable<T>> childrenFor)
        yield return node;

        var childNodes = childrenFor(node);
        if (childNodes != null)
            foreach (var childNode in childNodes.SelectMany(n => n.PreorderTraverse(childrenFor)))
                yield return childNode;

This extension method allows you to treat any type as the root node of a tree, providing you can define a sensible childrenFor method for it.

Example usage:

var root = new Node
    Name = "root",
    Children = new List<Node>()
        new Node
            Name = "root > child A",
            Children = new List<Node>()
                new Node
                    Name = "root > child A > child AA"
        new Node
            Name = "root > child B"

foreach (var node in root.PreorderTraverse(n => n.Children))

Where Node is defined as:

class Node
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<Node> Children { get; set; }

To use PreorderTraverse on an IEnumerable<T> you can combine with SelectMany, as in fact the PreorderTraverse extension method does.

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C# Anonymous functions for conditional operations

More specifically, lambda expressions… Let’s say you have a method, the body of which will execute based on the value of a flag (myFlag in the example here):

public void MyConditionalMethod(string format, params object[] args)
    if (myFlag)
        DoSomething(string.Format(format, args));

Ideally, in scenarios where myFlag is false we’d like a call to this method, such as the following, to have limited overhead:

MyConditionalMethod("{0}, {1}", param0, param1);

If param0 and/or param1 are value-types, this call will incur the overhead of boxing regardless of the value of myFlag. Obviously, things get worse as we pass more value-types as parameters.

One approach to addressing this problem is through the use of lambda expressions; the lambda expression is only executed if the flag is set. Here’s a version of MyConditionalMethod modified accordingly:

public void MyConditionalMethod(Func<string> getString)
    if (myFlag)

A call to the modified method looks like this:

MyConditionalMethod(() => string.Format("{0}, {1}", param0, param1));


Here are some rough performance numbers (with compiler optimizations on) to illustrate the potential advantages of this approach:

  Min (ns) Max (ns) Median (ns)
Standard (1000 iterations, 10 samples) 74.396 434.688 147.888
with lambda (1000 iterations, 10 samples) 5.692 11.687 5.692


This technique can be used in tracing or other scenarios where these methods may be called frequently throughout your code and it can have a significant performance benefit in the aggregate.

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